Russian Navy ships were spotted by European security experts close to the Nord Stream pipeline breaches.

In the region of leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines that were probably caused by underwater explosions on Monday and Tuesday, European security officials saw Russian Navy support ships, according to two Western intelligence officials and one other person with knowledge of the situation.

Russian navy ships

Russinan submarines have been seen

The sources and others stated it’s unclear whether the ships had anything to do with the explosions, but it’s one of many things that the investigators will be looking

Days ago, a member of the security officials reported that Russian submarines had also been seen nearby.

Days after the explosions appeared to have caused three distinct and simultaneously leaks in the two pipelines on Monday, three US officials stated that the US had no complete explanation for what happened at the moment.

Russian ships routinely operate in the area

One Danish military officer stated that Russian ships frequently operate in the region but stressed that this does not necessarily mean that Russia was responsible for the damage.

This guy stated, “We see them every week.” “Recent years have seen an uptick in Russian activity in the Baltic Sea. They frequently put our awareness to the test, both in the air and on the water.

US government decided not to comment on the ship intelligence

Nevertheless, the sightings raise more questions about Russia, who has drawn the greatest attention from both European and American officials as the only operator in the area thought to be capable and motivated of purposefully causing harm to the pipelines.

On Wednesday, US officials opted not to respond on the ship intelligence.

Require investigation

Although there hasn’t been a site inspection and the specifics of what set off the explosions are still unclear, both Denmark and Sweden are looking into the matter. The pressure in the pipes makes it difficult to consider the site of the leaks, according to a European official, and it could be up to two weeks for an inspection to properly start. However, another source familiar with the situation claims that a Danish government assessment is currently in progress.

The disclosures were most likely the result of intentional activities rather than accidents, the prime ministers of both Denmark and Sweden stated in public, and Sweden’s security service stated in a statement on Wednesday that it can’t be excluded out “that a foreign force is behind it.” Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser for the US, referred to the leaks in a tweet on Tuesday night as “apparent sabotage.”


The two Nord Stream pipelines on Monday and Tuesday looked to have had three separate and simultaneous leaks as a result of the explosions. Sweden and Denmark are investigating the possibility that an outside force may be responsible for the blasts. Although it’s unclear whether the ships had anything to do with the explosions, according to these sources and others, it’s one of many topics the investigators will be looking into. Russian ships routinely operate in the area, according to a Danish military officer, but he emphasised that this does not always mean that Russia is to blame for the damage. Russian action in the Baltic Sea has increased during the past few years.