INDIA bloc urges Zuckerberg, Pichai

“In another article titled ‘Under India’s pressure, Facebook let propaganda and hate speech thrive’, the Post has elucidated with evidence the blatant partisanship by Facebook India executives towards the ruling dispensation. This was well known to us in the Opposition for a long time and have even raised it several times in the past,” it said.

The INDIA parties said it is very clear from these exhaustive investigations by the Washington Post that Meta is culpable of abetting social disharmony and inciting communal hatred in India.

“Further, we have data that shows algorithmic moderation and suppression of Opposition leaders’ content on your platform while also promoting ruling party content. Such blatant partisanship and bias towards one political formation by a private foreign company is tantamount to interfering in India’s democracy, one that we in the INDIA alliance will not take lightly,” it said.

Referring to the report against YouTube, the INDIA parties said that it may be aware of the recent expose by the Washington Post newspaper titled “He live-streamed his attacks on Indian Muslims YouTube gave him an award” about the role of YouTube in propagating communal hatred and dividing Indian society.

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