Protest in TN against mid-sea attack on Tamil fishermen by Sri Lankans

The fishermen in Nagapattinam and Ramanathapuram districts of Tamil Nadu were protesting on Monday against the mid-sea attack on fishermen allegedly by Sri Lankans.

Fishermen Association of Nagapattinam president Soundaraajan told IANS that the fishermen were protesting in the two districts, but all of the fishermen in Tamil Nadu will join the protest if the governments — state and central –do not take appropriate action against those who indulged in attacking Indian fishermen.

The assault, according to the fishermen, occurred on Saturday late night in mid-sea and the attackers seized valuables, including fishing net, GPS, Mobile phones and catch worth thousands of rupees. The fishermen said that they were in no position to resist the attack and had to return home on Sunday morning.

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