Justice is crucial, not just uniformity, say women’s groups in Goa

Women’s groups meeting in Panaji on July 10, 2023, against the backdrop of a recent push towards a “Uniform Civil Code” in India, called for an emphasis on “justice for all stakeholders in the family, and for all communities, rather than uniformity”.

The meet was held at the Institute Piedade Hall, and attended by the Bailancho Ekvott, Bailancho Saad, Muslim Women’s Association, Presentation Society Goa, Saad Aangan, Why Exclude and other concerned citizens to discuss the response to the Law Commission of India’s call for views on UCC, pursuant to discussions.

Following the meeting, a statement released by Advocate Albertina Almeida, a women’s rights activist in Goa for the past three decades, announced that the resolution passed read: “The goalpost has to be justice for all stakeholders in the family and for all communities, rather than uniformity.”

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