I.N.D.I.A’s ‘samuhik sankalp’ promises alternative agenda for the nation

The joint statement also said the Opposition bloc “reinforces our resolve to confront the grave economic crisis of ever-rising prices of essential commodities and record unemployment”.

“Demonetisation brought with it untold misery to the MSME and unorganised sectors, resulting in large-scale unemployment among our youth. We oppose the reckless sale of the nation’s wealth to favoured friends. We must build a fair economy with a strong and strategic public sector as well as a competitive and flourishing private sector, in which the spirit of enterprise is fostered and given every opportunity to expand,” it continued.

“We have come together to defeat the hatred and violence being manufactured against minorities; stop the rising crimes against women, Dalits, Adivasis and Kashmiri Pandits; demand a fair hearing for all socially, educationally and economically backward communities; and, as a first step, implement the caste census,” it added.

The full statement can be read here.

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